Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wussy the infamous Elf on the Shelf

Elf on the Shelf has made its way into the Smith household and Sheridans world is now complete! For those of you who don't know Elf on the Shelf is a story book about an Elf who lives at your house during the day watching all the things you do both good and bad, then leaves at night to report to Santa. You pick a name for your Elf, Sheridan picked Wussy(don't ask, we have no idea where this came from) and every morning she runs out of her to dash around the house to find him and when she finally does she screams ELF ON THE SHELF!!! As a parent you have to spice things up with these "childish" games. So we put Wussy in fun unique locations and in inappropriate positions as well! Poor Wussy the stories he must tell Santa when he is there. The other day I screamed DANGIT when I dropped a glass dish and Sheridan waved her finger at me and pointed to Wussy! Without saying a word she got her point across! However, Wussy has not convinced her to eat her vegetables... insert sad face here! OH the latest thing Sheridan wants to ask Santa for is a golden trumpet??!?!?!?!? Really kid?! I'm hoping Santa will not leave a golden trumpet but a note saying he will next year if she eats fruits and veggies!

Another big deal in our family is Sawyer turning the big 1-4 months! Man alive this kid is a daredevil! He is truly the sweetest, kindest and cuddliest kid HOWEVER he has zero FEAR! At 3.5 years Sheridans knees still shake on stairs and she is sooo cautious. Sawyer on the other hand loves it when we leave a coat on the stairs and treats it like a sled... and praise the lord he wears diapers because he laughs so hard afterwards I know he is wetting himself.! He flirts with women everywhere! He is truly a ladies man! My mom and I were talking about what we are going to do when he uses his charm around the ladies when he has a full vocabulary. eeek.

Eric is still on 3rd shift and we are still making it as a family of four. It is a struggle and I highfive all the single parents out there for doing it all on their own because lord knows I am drooling on myself by 7pm wishing and hoping for a breeze at bedtime! Sheridan, as you all know, has an opinion about everything so its a little harder without Eric there to even things out! Last night I was tucking her in and she says "mom you look tired, is it because you worked out today?" yep thats it.. lol

have a peaceful evening sweet sweet friends.. its a blessing to have you in our lives!

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