Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3.5 year old vs veggies and fruit

LORD HELP US ALL! I am struggling as a parent today well actually for the last two months! I feel like my child only wants to eat graham crackers and chocolate milk! Today I begged, pleaded, and manipulated her to eat the tiniest piece of orange! And she refused! I played the santa card, the no cartoons for the rest of the day card, and even the biggy you have to take a nap card!!! I just wish wish wish she wouldn't have lost the ability to enjoy all foods. Sawyer eats everything! IN fact somedays I think he is eyeing up the family pets! He loves it all except peas... He smashes each one, over and over! I have read a ton of stuff, talked to a ton of clients, and come to this conclusion: feed family style let her be in control(little do they know she already is) and choose atleast 3 different varieties of food! So I will report back and see how the next week or so!
OKAY! Final tidbit for this fabulous wednesday! Last xmas Aarah bought Sheridan a princess tent! I don't know how much she spent on this tent but it was wayyyyyy to much!! I spent atleast 30 minutes trying to put this glorified piece of tarp together! Fighting off a 1 year old who would not stop laying, rolling, and dancing on & in and all around the tent! Finally I succeeded. The tent was erect. Sheridans happy dance made it alllll worth it! 30 minutes of trying not to swear(small tidbit about me I swear like a trucker) 30 minutes of me not loosing my cool with the two cutest kids who kept trying to crawl in before it was up, 30 minutes of Sheridan saying over and over again "IS IT DONE IS IT READY WOW MOM THATS PINK SO COOL IS IT DONE" only to watch Sheridan and Sawyer climb in and celebrate with the tent dance! and here is the kicker it was up for maybe 4 minutes when the cat climbed on only to fall down the side and rip the s@#% out of the side with his nails..... I give this tent 3 days before it completely bites the dust!
Peace to you all this fine wednesday evening...

1 comment:

  1. I lost the veggie fight in our house, or that's what my kids thought anyway. Every meal time ended up in tears, with ME being the one crying, not my kids. I finally gave up even serving veggies. I did however learn to "sneaky chef" veggies into every meal they eat. The best part is, they have no idea. Smoothies are fantastic for hiding all sorts of veggies, I got a juicer and make my own "juice" made up of veggies with a little fruit added in. Homemade pizza sauce is made up of pureed squash, pureed carrots and tomatoes and I just add a bunch of spices. They love it. Brownies are made with blueberries and spinach. Chocolate chip cookies I make with white beans. Homemade Chicken nuggets made with sweet potato puree and homemade breadcrumbs with added wheat germ.....

    So my kids think they WON this battle (and I let them believe it) but I WON this one, big time!

    Good luck to you, I understand the struggle with veggies!
