Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

meowie christmouse...

I love christmas but not as much as I love watching my kids fall in love with tradition, Santa, and the birth of baby Jesus....

This is the first year that Sheridan has totally grasped the concept of celebrating, family, and of course SANTA/GIFTS! Sawyer has not a clue! All of my nephews encouraged him to open his gifts today but he just climbed on every box and totally enjoyed himself! I honestly don't know what we will talk about when christmas is over. Sheridan don't do that Santa is watching! Sheridan eat your veggies, santa is watching! Sheridan......... "I know mom santa is watching!!!"

It's like parenting 101: always use SANTA as a threat! Today we celebrated with Erics family. We went to the dollar store(aka the worst place to take 3.5 yr old with 5,000 different pieces of crap at her eye level and you can get it all for only a $1!) to get gift bags, tissue paper, and coffee filters! Every piece of blinged out crap called to Sheridan today! With everyturn of the cart Sheridan squealed "OH mom do you think that we should get this, oh this is sooo cute, I think we should get this for Jacob(our next door neighbor) for christmas!" It was like a 3 year old on xmas dollar store steroids.. Lord have mercy! But as we were leaving Sheridan sees the Salvation Army bell ringers at Sam's Club! She screams "MOM we have to go and put some money in that little bucket for all the little kids who's parents can't afford presents for their children" I asked "oh tooty we can go but where did you learn all of that?" She responds with "MOM you taught me that!!!"" My heart rings so proud with delight! She is getting it! So we walked over only to put in 14 cents because that was all that I had in my wallet! I apologized to the girl and Sheridan chimes in "Every penny counts!"

We spent today celebrating with each other, watching our kids grow one year older, eating way to much food, laughing, football, giftexchanging, and wine!! One more weekend of celebrating and we can put it all aside for a year...

I don't care if there is anything under the tree for this girl! Because there is a man and two small children that think I walk on water and believe you me I am not knocking on anybodies door to convince them otherwise! Tomorrow we will go and see Santa so I am sure there will be a laugh or two to follow that cluster with! Until then! Be blessed!

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