Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tis the season~!

Well, we survived! Most importantly, no one was vomiting! The last two out of three years
Sheridan has been sick. Not Just sick I mean vomiting, ER visits, and none stop worry. This year was a blissful breeze. Eric and I were sick with colds thank the lord my kids were healthy as horses!
Of course they were spoiled above and beyond. But Sheridan learned an important lesson. YOU don't always get what you ask for. These were her three requests from Santa. Pinkie Pie & Rarity(my little ponies) and a golden trumpet! When she asked Santa for a golden trumpet I nearly had a stroke. I mean really a golden trumpet? I asked her does it have to be golden? and this is her response... "MOM I just really need a golden trumpet so I can blow it like this do do dooo da dooooooo!" I couldn't believe she would think of this... I mean where did she hear of a golden trumpet? and seriously Santa you can't tell a child you will bring them everything they ask for especially when it is 4 days before Christmas and mom is done shopping! So I frantically ran around Rochester looking for a golden trumpet! With each let down at another store I started to envision knocking out another one of Santa's teeth! That is when it hit me! SANTA DOESN'T HAVE TO BRING EVERYTHING! Sweet sweet Jesus! Why didn't anyone pass along this information???!!!? So Xmas morning when the kids woke up to their gifts Sheridan noticed instantly that Santa did not bring her a golden trumpet so this is where my years of manipulating my parents kicked in. I had written Sheridan a note from Santa explaining that she in fact did not get a golden trumpet because she didn't work hard enough at eating her veggies! The look on her face was priceless! "But mom, he stamped my arm that I was on the nice list!" I said "I know toots but Santa wants you to try even harder to eat your veggies then maybe just maybe he will bring you a golden trumpet" So since that delightful morning she has eaten mash potato's, a shred of cauliflower, and today a carrot! We are making strides! They may be small ones but they are strides. Sawyer did well with he first holiday that he was awake! We gave him the little people barn and honestly he just wanted the box. He did OK through gift opening.. Got naked halfway through and was doing happy dance on every ones gifts that came in boxes but he truly enjoyed himself!
As the new year approaches we are excited to continue to watch our children grow. I will admit the baby itch has hit but I know in my heart that two is a good number and that my poor uterus would throw a fit if it had to house another child. I quite possibly have the most inhospitable uterus around and its strange because I love to throw parties! Who knows maybe I will convince Eric to let us get another dog.
I ask that you pray for Shannon O'Hara as she continues to fight for her life and battle against a tumor on her brain stem. For the family of the local Mayo clinic Dr. that was killed in the helicopter accident, and for our dear friends Paul and Jamie as Pauls mom continues to battle brain cancer... Sometimes our lives seem so complicated when really they are the most simple of them all... blessings to you all as you welcome 2012 and embrace all that is to come~

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