Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Doctors appointment went well...

So I didn't sleep much last night in anticipation of today but everything turned out to be okay.  The mass is scar tissue that attached to an infection that I have had since last August.  August 6th (my dads birthday!) to be exact.  I had the worst case of mastitis ever!  I was so sick I went into the ER and by the time I left I could hardly walk the Dr. told me he wanted to admit me and do IV antibiotics and I pleaded with him to let me go home to my kids.....  He reluctantly agreed and I  Came home shivered and shook for hours took a weeks worth of antibiotics and called it a done deal.  Well so I thought.  Today I found out that the infection is still present and is slowly leaving its mark as it leaves my body. So, me being sooooooooo tired and sick feeling all the time for the last 11 months is now directly related to this infection that has been attacking my system.  The mass is something that will be present and will continue to grow as the infection heals and forms more scar tissue.  It is suggested that I do mammograms once a year now to confirm that the mass stays scar tissue.
Today I will start a round of one month oral antibiotics taken twice a day and then more testing at the end of the month! Praise god for scar tissue and an infection that will be so easily treated simply with more time. Thank you all for your support, kind words, and for listening. Every month I do self breast exams and felt this mass forming over time but didn't take the time to deal with it like I should have.  Self breast exams are something that we as women and as men should do monthly to ensure our "breast" health.  If you do them don't ignore any signs like I did.  Denial isn't the way to go..

Thanks again for all of you... You all mean so much to myself and my family.  Facebook isn't just a social network it's connecting with old friends that offer a support system and a link into each others lives that bring me so much joy!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Boobs... why do they cause so much drauma..

For years I've hated my boobs. Well since I put on weight I have hated them.  Back in the day when I was skinny I loved them in fact they were one of my best attributes.  They buckle me over, give me killer back pain, and have pushed me to the point of $60 bras that have caused me to suffer great harassment from my co-workers for wearing old lady over the shoulder boulder holders.
But then there is the upside... they have provided nourishment for first year of each of my children's lives. How cool is that? I was the only thing sustaining my children's brain development, eye development, and over all growth allll from my body.  I spent hours upon hours with breast exposed either nursing or pumping almost to the point of craving to have my independence and body back! BUT I loved being blessed with giving my kids something only I could give them...
Three weeks ago my love hate relationship with my boobs threw me into a ruckus.  I found a lump... At first I thought "Oh, never felt that before.. hmmmm must be a clogged duct leftover from nursing.. Ohhhh wait that must have been from my nasty mastitis infection."  So I walked around ignoring it. Pretending it wasn't there.  Then, I found it again.  Only this time it felt different.  And to be honest I was starting to have pain.  A pain that radiates throughout my entire breast.  Yet I pushed it aside thinking it will go away. Another week passed and now it is waking me up at night the pain and the worry.  So I call to make an appointment.  My regular Dr. can't see me so they scramble to find someone that can.  "Ok Mrs. Smith we can get you in today at 4:20!" The receptionist was enthused to find me a spot... I then say "well, ugh 4:20 hmmmm Sawyer will be waking up and we were supposed to meet some friends at the pool can I call you back?" A tiny annoyed voice pops up on the other end of the phone "Mrs. Smith, I think you should take the 4:20!" OK OK OK I will come in!
Long story short... They have found a mass.  I wasn't going to share this with anyone other than family and my close friends. But I think I need to give that push to all my friends that I needed to listen to my body. Being a mom I will drop anything for my kids but with that said I had a hard time scheduling my mamo during Sheridans swimming lessons.  LIKE god forbid if I found time for myself.
So tomorrow I go in. My girlfriend is coming to watch my kids and my other girlfriend is taking Sheridan to swimming lessons. I am giving up control, ugh I hate giving up control. (Thanks so Sue and Leslie for watching my babes!)
So pray, pray, pray for scar tissue... god help me let it be scar tissue.. but with that said I am hitting this head on and encourage you all to love your breasts and do self breast exams... It may save your life.
Blessings to you all.. hold me tomorrow Tuesday at 9 am.. this is all I ask...