Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Friday, March 30, 2012

I fell off the wagon

Three weeks ago the madness began... My kids became sooo sick! Vomiting, the big D, and ear infections. OH MY! Eric and I were thrilled when they decided to share with us! Sooo needless to say I went from working out 3-4 times a week to nothing the last three weeks... My body is craving it, missing it, and needing to get back into it. But let me tell you something. I caved. I fell. I did the unthinkable. I broke into the stash of easter candy(MY KIDS EASTER CANDY) and robbed the stash. I feel gross. SOO gross! But tomorrow is a new day and we will conquer this again!
I tooook my almost 4 year old and 18 month old into the dollar store this evening... Biggest mistake ever. I think they should have a warning on the door. NOT to take children under 3.5 feet tall in this store. We sell only crap and it is the most enticing crap that your children will ever see! OMG as soon as we hit the door Sawyer begins screaming "BAWWWOOONS BAAWWWOONS!" Then immediately Sheridan starts propelling s@$! in my cart! We went into the store for one item. A & D ointment and somehow we left with 13 items. Spiderman pens the size of baseball bats, butterfly wings, balls, egg die kits, bunny ears, balloons, and yes A&D ointment. The one thing we went for. The dollar store is the smallest store I think I shop in now a days and I have never had to redirect my children so many times. No put it away, no we don't need that, oh thank you Sheridan but we already have that! We left arms full of bags, a baby on my hip, and two balloon strings in my teeth. As we pull out of the parking lot Sheridan says "Thanks so much for taking us in there mom, Thatttttttttt was a treat!"
The tulips are blossoming, my children are growing in front of my eyes daily, and summer is almost here! Bring on the 80 degrees days, sprinklers, and the sunshine!