Sheridan & Sawyer!

Sheridan & Sawyer!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adderall YOU COMPLETE ME......

Well, the title says it all.  I am going to share a story of my life, my education experience, and my struggles as an adult with Attention Deficit Disorder. It isn't going to pretty folks, I have struggled for far to long and I am finally hitting the nail on the head and taking control of this one "minor" problem that seems to control my life every second of every day~
From the beginning, I knew I was different. In kindergarten I had an aid assigned to me, her name was Mrs. Kiebler! First time I met her she said "Well Miss Alison, my name is Mrs. Kielber (you know like the cookie, she whispers in my ear)and  Mrs. Garret wants me to help you out during class!" She made me feel special and she helped me stay focused. Throughout elementary school, I had amazing teachers and some awful ones.  Some worked with me above and beyond never making me feel inadequate or less intelligent next to the smartest kid in the class. I plan on writing some of these teachers that helped shape me a thank you card someday as I travel this journey learning to appreciate who I am! I am going to be brutal now. I have dreamed of writing the teachers who worked against me and not with me for years.  I remember getting sent to the office for "day dreaming" and dilly dallying by one particular teacher. She stopped in the middle of her lesson, forcibly took me by the arm and led me to the hallway.  This is where she proceeded to yell at the top of her lungs telling me that "it's kids like you who make me not want to get up and teach everyday because you don't 'appreciate' what I do for you!" I wanted to crawl in a hole and sob.  As she did this other classrooms walked by, teachers came in the hallway to shut their doors, and I will never forget the janitor walking by and giving me that "it's okay kid" half smile. This is the same teacher I went to when my group of friends decided they didn't want to be my friends anymore. I was devastated.  I needed someone to confide in, I needed someone to help make me make sense of it, someone who would make me feel safe.  I thought she would be that person for me. She wasn't. She wasn't at all.  I began crying, telling her what my story was.... I will never forget her response.  It was earth shattering to my 5th grade body core. I carried it with me all these years until Monday when I met with a counselor who specializes in working with individuals with severe ADD. She told me that she didn't blame the other girls for not wanting to be my friend, that I talked like a baby, and I tried to hard to please them. She went on to tell me that she wasn't there to referee fights amongst little girls she was there to educate us.  From that moment on, I stayed away from her. I remember trying not to make eye contact with her, avoiding her in the hallways at all cost, and never raising my hand to ask for help. On Monday, I cried for that 5th grade girl and I can honestly say I let the emotions from that 9 months of my life flow.  But I am walking forward and will no longer focus on what and how some of these teachers made me feel for far to long. ADD was something new in the 80's. The idea of giving your child a medication to help them focus seemed like a fad.  I respect my parents for not wanting to medicate me out of fear that it would change my personality. They loved and embraced me for who I was. Home with them was where I felt safe, where I could chatter nonstop for hours, and where my "passions" were embraced, encouraged, and excepted. Now fast forward to junior high.  I was terrified.  Getting to multiple classes in one day in a three minute rush to the finish line. These are the years that I encountered teachers who embraced me and made a difference in my life and education. Of course there were teachers that didn't but I can't remember them by name or specific incidents. But I do remember the times in Mr. Rauens math class when I would start to doodle, space out, or sit for an entire hour working on a worksheet and only finish one problem.  He didn't beat me up emotionally, he would walk by my desk tap his finger on my notepad and say "you can do this Alison..," then I would start over again.  He did this multiple times during a class and everyday when I walked out he would say something positive to me. I don't know if he knows how much he was building me up each day but I always think of him as "saving me!" There were others, Mrs. Poterucha my music teacher who knew I couldn't read music and would work with me with such patience over and over because she knew how much it meant to my mom that I was given this opportunity.  Mr. Bollman who not only helped me in the classroom but in the hallway. His voice carried like only a fathers does.  I always felt like I was the smartest person in the world in his classroom because it was interesting and he was encouraging. Listening to every drawn out debate I had to offer and an arm around my shoulder in the hallway letting me know that he supports me even without saying it. Mrs.Kohner who would throw my name out in the middle of a lesson in a way that I swore no one else noticed when I tuned out at all and for always offering to let me "catch back up" before or after class. Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Arel who taught classes that interested me because they were so hands on and who were always willing to redirect me in tasks that seemed so simple for others. Mrs. Lunde who always hugged me made me feeeeel like everyone else and for letting me come in her office just to talk ... There are other teachers, aids, and a school nurse that tolerated me beyond words. Candy Finley, our school nurse, knew that I felt safe in her nurses office. Sometimes all I needed was 10 minutes to collect myself , relax, and return to the halls.
I graduated in 1997 only making the "B" honor roll once. But never made to feel by my family that I wasn't smart. I went on to college where I "succeeded" by graduating in four years with a degree in corrections and sociology. Kim Greer, was my advisor in college but secretly I think there was a little divine intervention when we were connected.  She met with me daily, sometimes multiple times a day.  To chat, to cry, to express how overwhelmed I felt, or to encourage me to keep going.
I always told her I would be a hair stylist and someday own a coffee shop... She always laughed and said "Oh Alison......" and look at me now!
I struggled as a caseworker.  Meeting deadlines, handing in paperwork, and keeping my own schedule.  These characteristics of my personality cost me that job.  That day felt like the worst day of my life but what I learned that day when I got home and broke down in front of my mom and my sister that it was the best day of my life after all. My mom and sister encouraged me to follow my dreams by becoming a hairdresser. Couple weeks later I received the letter that I was to start school in 3 months.
The next 8 years couldn't have been better!!! I moved back to Rochester, started working at r!ah, met my husband, and had 2 amazing children.
I still struggled. My job is absolutely perfect for me because it is structured but my ability to follow through at home was becoming more and more chaotic. When you have ADD you have an almost 99% guaranteed chance of suffering from anxiety as well.  On an average day for me living with ADD I would do the following.  Walk into my daughters room with the goal of moving out clothes that no longer fit and two hours later I would have not only destroyed Sheridans room goin through all of her clothes and toys, I would then walk away and do the same in Sawyers room without finishing anything up. Aarah and Eric have nicknamed me the tornado and this is the only way to describe how I could spend 6 hours destroying and not putting back together a "project!"
Four months ago, I approached my Dr. for help and I can honestly say she saved me... I started taking a combination of two different kinds of meds. One for anxiety and one for my ADD. Together they are helping me be a better mom, a wife, a hairdresser, a friend, a daughter and have made me feel like I am balanced.... finally balanced.
I have learned that my impulsiveness to spend money, over commit myself to others, and my inability to follow through with everyday tasks doesn't make me an awful person but a person that needs adderal to help me focus, find my way through the day, and do everyday tasks....
I wrote this for myself and for anyone else that lives with this struggles each day.. know that you are not alone..

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Doctors appointment went well...

So I didn't sleep much last night in anticipation of today but everything turned out to be okay.  The mass is scar tissue that attached to an infection that I have had since last August.  August 6th (my dads birthday!) to be exact.  I had the worst case of mastitis ever!  I was so sick I went into the ER and by the time I left I could hardly walk the Dr. told me he wanted to admit me and do IV antibiotics and I pleaded with him to let me go home to my kids.....  He reluctantly agreed and I  Came home shivered and shook for hours took a weeks worth of antibiotics and called it a done deal.  Well so I thought.  Today I found out that the infection is still present and is slowly leaving its mark as it leaves my body. So, me being sooooooooo tired and sick feeling all the time for the last 11 months is now directly related to this infection that has been attacking my system.  The mass is something that will be present and will continue to grow as the infection heals and forms more scar tissue.  It is suggested that I do mammograms once a year now to confirm that the mass stays scar tissue.
Today I will start a round of one month oral antibiotics taken twice a day and then more testing at the end of the month! Praise god for scar tissue and an infection that will be so easily treated simply with more time. Thank you all for your support, kind words, and for listening. Every month I do self breast exams and felt this mass forming over time but didn't take the time to deal with it like I should have.  Self breast exams are something that we as women and as men should do monthly to ensure our "breast" health.  If you do them don't ignore any signs like I did.  Denial isn't the way to go..

Thanks again for all of you... You all mean so much to myself and my family.  Facebook isn't just a social network it's connecting with old friends that offer a support system and a link into each others lives that bring me so much joy!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Boobs... why do they cause so much drauma..

For years I've hated my boobs. Well since I put on weight I have hated them.  Back in the day when I was skinny I loved them in fact they were one of my best attributes.  They buckle me over, give me killer back pain, and have pushed me to the point of $60 bras that have caused me to suffer great harassment from my co-workers for wearing old lady over the shoulder boulder holders.
But then there is the upside... they have provided nourishment for first year of each of my children's lives. How cool is that? I was the only thing sustaining my children's brain development, eye development, and over all growth allll from my body.  I spent hours upon hours with breast exposed either nursing or pumping almost to the point of craving to have my independence and body back! BUT I loved being blessed with giving my kids something only I could give them...
Three weeks ago my love hate relationship with my boobs threw me into a ruckus.  I found a lump... At first I thought "Oh, never felt that before.. hmmmm must be a clogged duct leftover from nursing.. Ohhhh wait that must have been from my nasty mastitis infection."  So I walked around ignoring it. Pretending it wasn't there.  Then, I found it again.  Only this time it felt different.  And to be honest I was starting to have pain.  A pain that radiates throughout my entire breast.  Yet I pushed it aside thinking it will go away. Another week passed and now it is waking me up at night the pain and the worry.  So I call to make an appointment.  My regular Dr. can't see me so they scramble to find someone that can.  "Ok Mrs. Smith we can get you in today at 4:20!" The receptionist was enthused to find me a spot... I then say "well, ugh 4:20 hmmmm Sawyer will be waking up and we were supposed to meet some friends at the pool can I call you back?" A tiny annoyed voice pops up on the other end of the phone "Mrs. Smith, I think you should take the 4:20!" OK OK OK I will come in!
Long story short... They have found a mass.  I wasn't going to share this with anyone other than family and my close friends. But I think I need to give that push to all my friends that I needed to listen to my body. Being a mom I will drop anything for my kids but with that said I had a hard time scheduling my mamo during Sheridans swimming lessons.  LIKE god forbid if I found time for myself.
So tomorrow I go in. My girlfriend is coming to watch my kids and my other girlfriend is taking Sheridan to swimming lessons. I am giving up control, ugh I hate giving up control. (Thanks so Sue and Leslie for watching my babes!)
So pray, pray, pray for scar tissue... god help me let it be scar tissue.. but with that said I am hitting this head on and encourage you all to love your breasts and do self breast exams... It may save your life.
Blessings to you all.. hold me tomorrow Tuesday at 9 am.. this is all I ask...

Friday, March 30, 2012

I fell off the wagon

Three weeks ago the madness began... My kids became sooo sick! Vomiting, the big D, and ear infections. OH MY! Eric and I were thrilled when they decided to share with us! Sooo needless to say I went from working out 3-4 times a week to nothing the last three weeks... My body is craving it, missing it, and needing to get back into it. But let me tell you something. I caved. I fell. I did the unthinkable. I broke into the stash of easter candy(MY KIDS EASTER CANDY) and robbed the stash. I feel gross. SOO gross! But tomorrow is a new day and we will conquer this again!
I tooook my almost 4 year old and 18 month old into the dollar store this evening... Biggest mistake ever. I think they should have a warning on the door. NOT to take children under 3.5 feet tall in this store. We sell only crap and it is the most enticing crap that your children will ever see! OMG as soon as we hit the door Sawyer begins screaming "BAWWWOOONS BAAWWWOONS!" Then immediately Sheridan starts propelling s@$! in my cart! We went into the store for one item. A & D ointment and somehow we left with 13 items. Spiderman pens the size of baseball bats, butterfly wings, balls, egg die kits, bunny ears, balloons, and yes A&D ointment. The one thing we went for. The dollar store is the smallest store I think I shop in now a days and I have never had to redirect my children so many times. No put it away, no we don't need that, oh thank you Sheridan but we already have that! We left arms full of bags, a baby on my hip, and two balloon strings in my teeth. As we pull out of the parking lot Sheridan says "Thanks so much for taking us in there mom, Thatttttttttt was a treat!"
The tulips are blossoming, my children are growing in front of my eyes daily, and summer is almost here! Bring on the 80 degrees days, sprinklers, and the sunshine!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

F 22 why can't I throw an F22 code!

Okay... So most of you know that I am a control freak. In the car I DRIVE. In the kitchen I LIKE TO COOK MY FOOD. I take the kids to school so I know they are SAFE. These are my flaws I am an open control freak. So today I am not in control and I can't stand it. Sheridan has the GI flu. She is, as is any kid with the flu, a ticking time bomb. I have no idea when she is going to go off. I follow her everywhere with a bucket pleading with her to sit in my lap at all times so that mommy doesn't have to clean puke out of the carpet. It's days like this when god throws me a curve ball I realize how much control I actually don't have. Standing in the kitchen with her being held tall with my legs she is puking everywhere, the floor, herself, and me. I want to scream, throw in my Mom white flag, and run kicking and screaming out the front door. I want to throw the F22 code! The code that my whirlpool duet high efficiency washer throws when the door isn't tight, when the load is off, and so on!(I hate this washer that's why I put the model here so you don't make the same mistake) The same washer that threw this code with a load full of pukey clothes in it. I know now god is laughing at me. I know everyone is. I anxiously awaiting her next move. She is in bed, asleep, and looking like the sweet angel she is. Kills me to know that she isn't comfortable. I knew when I had kids that there are no breaks, there are no do overs, and that there is always the promise of a better day tomorrow. Now lets hope it was a fluke and tomorrow will be better! I am thankful for just flu bugs, icky noses, and coughs that go uncovered. I am thankful my kids are healthy overall! I can take the little ickies, the pukes, and the extra snuggles as an everyday demand of being a mom!
Sheridan and Sawyer are my world. With them I found myself. The person that I searched for since high school graduation. I found the MOM in me! So control freak or not I am a mom first. A mom that will will love them through it all, good times and bad, and even the pukes! Now lets just hope these doorknob lickers cut me some slack until next flu season!
On a sad side note, I want to ask you for a favor, for thoughts, and for prayers. My sweet Uncle Dickie is in the hospital fighting a battle with throat cancer. He is uncomfortable and fighting off pneomia. The old Alison would have run with my emotions. I would have hit up a bag of chips, a drive thru, or a bottle of wine. I haven't done any. I cried myself to sleep last night and let my emotions roll. I can not change the things that are happening to him but I can control the way I react. So step one in weight loss conquered by not loosing control with food! I will win!

Friday, January 6, 2012

week 1

Week one workouts! I did it... I did it... I DID ITTTTTT! I struggled but I did it. My balance is horrible but it will improve. I only felt like I was going to barf once, thank gawd! I get up at 4:50 am in order to get there by 5:30 am! I feel so refreshed and get sooo much accomplished starting my day that early! Super pumped about that! We have been eating clean all week and I can not believe how good I feel! My kids are oblivious to it when it is fed to them in a smoothly! This morning I had a smoothly with spinach in it and sawyer ate it like it was a snickers! Sheridan shared a smoothly with me tonight and it had avocado, coconut milk, ice, and protein shake in it! SHE loved it!!! Eric is so supportive in everything I do. He asks a lot of questions or analyzes it to the point of annoying the hell out of me but I know he just wants me to do my best and get what will work for me! So I am blessed to have such a great man in my life! I feel like I have come so far in only five days... Last Sunday we were at Ikea and I was soooo afraid I would run into someone I knew feeling such shame in my outer appearance that day. I walked behind a cart, hiding as much as I could, and not able to enjoy myself at all. So this week was so uplifting. The best part is I am doing it with my great friend Pam. So I have a partner in crime. We are there for different reasons but we are there, together. I told Eric we are going to plan our honeymoon. Five years late but we are going. I want so much to get in shape and be able to be in photos. Have I told you that I rarely have my picture taken with my kids because of my shame.. How terrible is that? And if there is one and it is not flattering I delete it. So I can't wait to start taking more pictures and excepting who I am as I continue on this journey.
We are still waiting for B to come home. Wondering where he is tears me up. My mom said that he is more than likely at the house he went to and the girl told me she really wanted a cat and is sooo loved. So I will go with that thought for now. My nights are extremely lonely after I put the babes to bed and Eric slips out the door to work. But another pet just isn't in the cards right now.
I am so exhausted right now I am going to start drooling on myself if I don't get to bed soon! The words of encouragement, visits to the salon, and phone calls have been amazing I appreciate you all so very much! I received an encouraging email from a friend and she left me with this saying. "I am Loved" As I contemplate eating something that I shouldn't I remind myself that I am loved more than I love that food! It has worked so well for me.... I think I am on my way to getting rid of this inner fat kid syndrome and on my way to smaller pant sizes and healthier choices for me first and for everyone else second. I AM LOVED!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fat girl 101

Okay so last night I did something I never thought that I would do or that I never wanted to do. I stood in only a sports bra and shorts and had my photo taken. Front, back, and side! The whole damn hot mess of me was photographed. There I stood at the mercy of reality. Wondering how I got this far. How every pound added up and where will I go from here. When Shelly showed me the photos it dawned on me "OH my gawd I look like a contestant on the biggest loser!!!" Don't think omg Alison you did not because I did and when I get further in this journey and I have new pictures to compare I will prove you wrong!
These are the things I miss about being in shape and in control. 1. The ability to do a somersault, silly to some but when Sheridan asked me to do one and I struggled I was so ashamed. 2. Be able to feel true hunger , this has not happened to me since being pregnant with Sawyer maybe even before. 3.I want to control the food that I put in front of myself and my family instead of the food controlling ME!
This is a journey. I have struggled with my weight for 10 years now and I think how did I loose such control for almost ten years. I can tell you this. I know Stress triggers every opportunity for me to hit a drivethru, put mayo on a sandwich, and eat to the bottom of the bag! 9 years ago my best friend in the entire world died. I live with such guilt because 10 minutes before she died she called me, I was vacuuming, I looked at my cell and hit ignore. She was killed 10 f!#$%^ minutes later! What if I would have picked up? how would things be different if I answered. I can not explain the guilt that I carry with me. So this is where my battle with the bulge begins. Fist after fist I eat away my feelings but now I am taking control. Learning that if it is all true meaning God, it would have been her time irregardless of whether I picked up that phone. Every time I have a new stresser pop up in life(which I know I will often) I need to redirect how to deal with impulses.
So tomorrow is my first workout. I am scared, excited, and panicked. What if I have I am the worst, what if I fall, heaven forbid what if I loose control and fluff? OH sweet jesus! Let the games begin!
On a side note! Our cat disappeared. I am sad! So sad for my kids, sad for my dog, and of course I am so sad for meeee! Why is that the girl who couldn't stand cats falls head over heals with this cat! Alright Sheridan is up and it is 9 pm. She just took Rapunzel's frock off and now she realizes Rapunzel is wearing an "undergarment" Somehow she now thinks Rapunzel needs to go for a swim! I need to nip this in the butt before I have a huge huge mess! Keep your eye out for our feline!!!